[Diff since v0.6.18](https://github.com/JuliaMolSim/DFTK.jl/compare/v0.6.18...v0.6.19) **Merged pull requests:** - Crude import of some material from DFTK school (#941) (@mfherbst) - Nonlocal term for dynamical matrix (#944) (@epolack) - Option to specify timeout for SCFs (#948) (@mfherbst) - bump compat for Spglib to 0.9.4 (#949) (@github-actions[bot]) - Update GTH pseudopotential database (#950) (@mkrack) - Phonons docs (#953) (@antoine-levitt) - Bump codecov/codecov-action from 3 to 4 (#955) (@dependabot[bot]) - Fix mpi test (#956) (@epolack) - Atoms calculators: empty state by default. (#958) (@CedricTravelletti) - Fix normalization of wavefunctions (#960) (@antoine-levitt) - Docfix: Comment on spin index on density ρ (#962) (@niklasschmitz) - Sort eigenvalues after LOBPCG (#964) (@antoine-levitt) - Minor Correction to Docs: Update collinear_magnetism.jl (#965) (@JaydevSR) - fixing typos (#969) (@epolack) - Update PspUpf.jl : the range of l for r2_pswfcs (#970) (@tyjerome) - Bump julia-actions/cache from 1 to 2 (#971) (@dependabot[bot]) **Closed issues:** - Change of dimension in last kpoint when using non-converging scf (#963)