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Muhammad Awais / PaderBench
MIT LicensePaderBench repository contains the source code for the benchmarks included in the PaderBench.
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circa / public / circa
MIT LicenseCIRCA is a framework for the automatic generation of approximate circuits, differentiating from existing frameworks by its flexible and modular design.
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muscat / muscat
MIT LicenseUpdated -
circa / circa-iverilog
GNU General Public License v2.0 or laterIcarus Verilog submodule of CIRCA project
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circa / public / circa_v2
MIT LicenseUpdated -
AxMCTS / AxMCTS Public / Deep Approx
MIT LicenseUpdated -
Felix Jentzsch / finn
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" LicenseUpdated -
pc2-CI / FPGA / AuroraFlow
Apache License 2.0Ready-to-link, packaged Aurora IP on four QSFP28 lanes, providing 100Gb/s throughput
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EKI Project / finn-plus
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" LicenseDataflow compiler for QNN inference on FPGAs