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[Diff since v0.1.17](

**Closed issues:**
- Density cutoff in Libxc (#355)
- compute_forces_cart not found? (#371)

**Merged pull requests:**
- Harmonise and prepend compute_ for exported names (#363) (@mfherbst)
- Introduce ase_atoms_translation_map (#365) (@mfherbst)
- CompatHelper: bump compat for "MPI" to "0.16" (#366) (@github-actions[bot])
- Update parallelisation documentation (#369) (@mfherbst)
- First round of changes to move our CI to github actions (#372) (@mfherbst)
- Make documentation generation a separate github action (#374) (@mfherbst)
- CompatHelper: bump compat for "SpecialFunctions" to "1.0" (#375) (@github-actions[bot])