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[Diff since v0.3.5](

**Closed issues:**
- Test real/fourier consistency of local/nonlocal potentials (#141)
- Adding options for setting the charge and mass of the electrons (#380)
- New folder for research codes? (#381)

**Merged pull requests:**
- Solve_Ω at finite temperature, use it for χ0 (#468) (@antoine-levitt)
- Remove occupation_function (#471) (@antoine-levitt)
- Remove obsolete warning for forces (#472) (@antoine-levitt)
- Overhaul pack/unpack routines to not assume that psi are fully occupied (#473) (@antoine-levitt)
- Centralize spin asserts, error on :full (#474) (@antoine-levitt)
- Final round of parameter tuning for potential mixing (#475) (@mfherbst)