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[Diff since v0.3.7](

**Closed issues:**
- Implement conversions between grids (#43)
- [WIP] Autodiff stresses (#443)
- Bug Using Charged systems (#485)

**Merged pull requests:**
- Hellmann-Feynman stresses via ForwardDiff and custom rules (#476) (@niklasschmitz)
- Avoid mutation in ρ_from_total_and_spin (#482) (@antoine-levitt)
- Pwbasis refactor (#486) (@antoine-levitt)
- Extend ForwardDiff fallback for SVector norm to handle multiple partials (#488) (@niklasschmitz)
- Allow passing Ecut as a keyword argument (#489) (@mfherbst)
- Simplify loading logic for ForwardDiff workarounds (#490) (@mfherbst)