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[Diff since v0.5.7](

**Closed issues:**
- G_to_r/r_to_G -> ifft/fft? (#715)
- Type question (#724)

**Merged pull requests:**
- Add blowup functions to Kinetic term for cutoff smearing (#696) (@LaurentVidal95)
- ForwardDiff: Return dual energies in scfres (#709) (@niklasschmitz)
- Add a few NaN checks in LOBPCG (#710) (@GVigne)
- Remove advertisement for summer school (#716) (@mfherbst)
- Derivative of complex erfc (#720) (@epolack)
- Changing naming convention for FFT (#721) (@epolack)
- Introduce `irfft` for inverse FFT of real-valued quantities (#722) (@epolack)
- Adding ElementGaussian (#723) (@epolack)
- Fix definition of erfc (#725) (@epolack)
- Add brackets around where clauses (#726) (@epolack)