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[Diff since v0.5.15](

Note that this release increases the minor version and contains a number of breaking changes:

- The `self_consistent_field` and `potential_mixing` SCF functions now check convergence in the density by default. This means that `self_consistent_field(basis; tol=1e-6)` now converges until the change in density between subsequent steps is below `1e-6`. Before it used to converge until the change in energy was less than `tol`. To recover the old behaviour use `self_consistent_field(basis; is_converged=DFTK.ScfConvergenceEnergy(tol))`. (#800)

- The `load_lattice`, `load_atoms` and `load_positions` functions are now deprecated and will be removed in DFTK 0.6.1. Users are advised to use `AtomsIO` for the purpose of loading structures from external files. See and for examples.

- Instead of using NLSolve's Anderson acceleration we have switched to a built-in implementation, which we found more stable in practice. (#791)
  The NLSolve-been approach has been removed completely.

- The deprecated `G_to_r` and `r_to_G` functions for FFTs have now been removed in favour of `ifft`, `fft` and similar. (#804)

- The deprecated `n_bands` and `n_ep_extra` arguments from `self_consistent_field` have now been removed. (#804)

**Closed issues:**
- Struct for atoms (#118)
- GPU discussion (#350)
- SCF default tolerance should be on the density (#780)
- Run GPU CI only after activation (#803)

**Merged pull requests:**
- Bugfix for computations of `δψ` and supercells (#775) (@epolack)
- Switch default scf solver to builtin Anderson (#791) (@epolack)
- Add developper documentation for GPU computations (#793) (@GVigne)
- Correct PW parameterization comment (#795) (@epolack)
- Add GPU CI via gitlab (#796) (@mfherbst)
- Switch to density tolerance by default (#800) (@mfherbst)
- Make cigpu badge a link to ci pipelines in gitlab (#801) (@carstenbauer)
- Rely on AtomsIO for structure parsing (#802) (@mfherbst)
- Remove deprecated features (#804) (@mfherbst)