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[Diff since v0.6.14](

**Merged pull requests:**
- Make xc term AD-compatible (#892) (@a-azzali)
- Refactor bandstructure routines and json results (#895) (@mfherbst)
- Add basic Wannier.jl integration (#899) (@Technici4n)
- Move JSON3 dependency into extension module (#907) (@mfherbst)
- Update README (#912) (@mfherbst)
- Fix caching in CI (#915) (@epolack)
- Suggestion for CI simplification (#916) (@mfherbst)
- Fix typo (#918) (@lucifer1004)
- Remove obsolete interatomic potentials interface (#919) (@mfherbst)
- Misc changes (#920) (@epolack)
- Remove collinear spin c-interface, which is now native in spglib (#924) (@mfherbst)
- Fix a bug with scaling factors in the Hartree term (#926) (@ClementineBarat)
- Removing reference to old functions (#927) (@epolack)
- Move all requires-based optional code to extension modules (#930) (@mfherbst)

**Closed issues:**
- Add interface to GPAW (#133)
- Implement ONCVPSP (Norm-converving Vanderbilt PSPs) (#134)
- Togglable timings  (#293)
- Implement nonlinear core correction (#335)
- Include `Manifest.toml` in the repo? (#922)