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  • v0.2.1 Release: v0.2.1
    [Diff since v0.2.0](
    **Merged pull requests:**
    - Trigger github actions for tags (#376) (@mfherbst)
  • v0.2.0 Release: v0.2.0
    [Diff since v0.1.17](
    **Closed issues:**
    - Density cutoff in Libxc (#355)
    - compute_forces_cart not found? (#371)
    **Merged pull requests:**
    - Harmonise and prepend compute_ for exported names (#363) (@mfherbst)
    - Introduce ase_atoms_translation_map (#365) (@mfherbst)
    - CompatHelper: bump compat for "MPI" to "0.16" (#366) (@github-actions[bot])
    - Update parallelisation documentation (#369) (@mfherbst)
    - First round of changes to move our CI to github actions (#372) (@mfherbst)
    - Make documentation generation a separate github action (#374) (@mfherbst)
    - CompatHelper: bump compat for "SpecialFunctions" to "1.0" (#375) (@github-actions[bot])
  • v0.1.17 Release: v0.1.17
    ## DFTK v0.1.17
    [Diff since v0.1.16](
    **Merged pull requests:**
    - Drop chi0 terms where ratio is practically zero (#361) (@mfherbst)
    - Adapt load_scfres to MPI-parallel runs (#362) (@mfherbst)
  • v0.1.16 Release: v0.1.16
    ## DFTK v0.1.16
    [Diff since v0.1.15](
    **Merged pull requests:**
    - Use unnormalized FFT plans in Hamiltonian applies (#356) (@antoine-levitt)
    - Density screening in XC term (#359) (@mfherbst)
    - Small performance improvements in eigensolver and nonlocal apply (#360) (@antoine-levitt)
  • v0.1.15 Release: v0.1.15
    ## DFTK v0.1.15
    [Diff since v0.1.14](
    **Closed issues:**
    - HPC (#90)
    - Extend collinear spin support (#321)
    - Homogenize div (#346)
    **Merged pull requests:**
    - Recode banddata preparation in Julia (#343) (@mfherbst)
    - A few small fixes and improvements (#344) (@mfherbst)
    - Swap installation order (#345) (@mfherbst)
    - MPI for distribution over k-Points (#347) (@antoine-levitt)
    - Optimize and parallelize density computation (#352) (@antoine-levitt)
    - More detailed installation instructions (#353) (@mfherbst)
    - Avoid some more allocations in Hamiltonian apply (#354) (@antoine-levitt)
  • v0.1.14 Release: v0.1.14
    ## DFTK v0.1.14
    [Diff since v0.1.13](
    **Merged pull requests:**
    - Extend apply_chi0 and compute_chi0 to collinear spin (#333) (@mfherbst)
    - A bunch of bugfixes in SCF and band plots (#334) (@mfherbst)
    - Refactor mixing to take ρtot and ρspin (#336) (@mfherbst)
    - CompatHelper: bump compat for "Interpolations" to "0.13" (#337) (@github-actions[bot])
    - Extend SCF compare to temperature and spin (#338) (@mfherbst)
    - Expand Kerker and Hybrid mixing to collinear spin (#339) (@mfherbst)
    - Convert magnetic moments to ASE and back (#340) (@mfherbst)
    - Refactor chi0 models out of HybridMixing (#341) (@mfherbst)
    - Read data from files using ASE (#342) (@mfherbst)
  • v0.1.13 Release: v0.1.13
    ## DFTK v0.1.13
    [Diff since v0.1.12](
    **Closed issues:**
    - Simplistic checkpointing callback (#298)
    **Merged pull requests:**
    - Kernels for collinear spin (#328) (@mfherbst)
    - Add simplistic checkpointing to DFTK (#330) (@mfherbst)
    - Pointers for contributors (#332) (@antoine-levitt)
  • v0.1.12 Release: v0.1.12
    ## DFTK v0.1.12
    [Diff since v0.1.11](
    **Closed issues:**
    - Implement collinear spin (#194)
    **Merged pull requests:**
    - Implement collinear spin polarization (#187) (@tzsuzsi)
    - DOS and bandstructure calculation for collinear spin (#323) (@mfherbst)
    - Collinear spin for GGA functionals (#327) (@mfherbst)
  • v0.1.11 Release: v0.1.11
    ## DFTK v0.1.11
    [Diff since v0.1.10](
    **Closed issues:**
    - Error from latest Libxc.jl (#317)
    **Merged pull requests:**
    - Set Libxc compatibility (#318) (@mfherbst)
  • v0.1.10 Release: v0.1.10
    ## DFTK v0.1.10
    [Diff since v0.1.9](
    **Closed issues:**
    - Bors (#81)
    - Symmetry Issue with HCP Lattice (#307)
    **Merged pull requests:**
    - More precise FFT grid computation and FFT-related renaming (#274) (@antoine-levitt)
    - Polarizability example (#294) (@antoine-levitt)
    - Add support for Hamiltonians modelling Anyons (#304) (@antoine-levitt)
    - Small fixes in comments and tol_symmetry argument (#309) (@mfherbst)
    - Fix strange mixing defaults (#312) (@mfherbst)
    - Fix spglib wrapper (#314) (@antoine-levitt)
    - Enforce netlib blas (#315) (@mfherbst)
  • v0.1.9 Release: v0.1.9
    ## DFTK v0.1.9
    [Diff since v0.1.8](
    **Closed issues:**
    - Use spglib from BinaryBuilder (#202)
    - Band plot does not display in the docs (#295)
    - Error when Moving Atoms to Specific Distances From Eachother (#299)
    - Having Trouble Creating a Hydrogen Model with spin_polarization :collinear or :full (#301)
    **Merged pull requests:**
    - time per SCF step (#284) (@antoine-levitt)
    - Refactor chi0 computation (#285) (@mfherbst)
    - CompatHelper: bump compat for "Optim" to "1.0" (#302) (@github-actions[bot])
    - Speedup forces evaluation (#303) (@antoine-levitt)
    - Renames to bring in line with paper and interval-related fixes (#305) (@mfherbst)
    - Simplify travis (#306) (@mfherbst)
  • v0.1.8 Release: v0.1.8
    ## DFTK v0.1.8
    [Diff since v0.1.7](
    **Closed issues:**
    - loop (#290)
    - Confusion as to Why Code isn't Running Properly (#296)
    **Merged pull requests:**
    - Start a list of lecture notes and recordings (#287) (@mfherbst)
    - Integrate with Aqua.jl  (#288) (@mfherbst)
    - Avoid LDOS term if ldos small (#289) (@mfherbst)
    - Bring find_occupation to SCF interface (#291) (@mfherbst)
    - Details on lattice vector order (#292) (@mfherbst)
  • v0.1.7 Release: v0.1.7
    ## DFTK v0.1.7
    [Diff since v0.1.6](
    **Merged pull requests:**
    - Add timings to chi0 and mixing (#281) (@mfherbst)
    - Rename kF to kTF (#282) (@mfherbst)
    - Polish dielectric example and improve chi0 computation (#286) (@mfherbst)
  • v0.1.6 Release: v0.1.6
    ## DFTK v0.1.6
    [Diff since v0.1.5](
    **Merged pull requests:**
    - Add nonvariatonal methods and total field for energies (#268) (@antoine-levitt)
    - More helpful messages in occupation (#269) (@mfherbst)
    - CompatHelper: bump compat for "Optim" to "0.22" (#270) (@github-actions[bot])
    - Polish SCF printing and automatic diagtol selection (#271) (@mfherbst)
    - Implement HybridMixing (#272) (@mfherbst)
    - Bugfix: apply_kernel without functionals (#273) (@mfherbst)
    - Various small amendments (SCF printing, GGA functionals, mixing) (#275) (@mfherbst)
    - Some more reasonable defaults for number of bands and kgrids (#276) (@mfherbst)
    - Add example about SCF callbacks (#277) (@mfherbst)
    - Adding H2 geometry optimzation example (#278) (@gkemlin)
    - Correct for subtle numerical issue when finding Fermi level (#279) (@mfherbst)
  • v0.1.5 Release: v0.1.5
    ## DFTK v0.1.5
    [Diff since v0.1.4](
    **Merged pull requests:**
    - Move to spglib_jll (#265) (@louisponet)
    - Add hamiltonian_with_total_potential function (#267) (@antoine-levitt)
  • v0.1.4 Release: v0.1.4
    ## DFTK v0.1.4
    [Diff since v0.1.3](
    **Merged pull requests:**
    - Correct type instability with atoms and other small performance improvements (#257) (@antoine-levitt)
    - Tweak RestaMixing default parameters (#259) (@mfherbst)
    - Small tweak with miniter (#260) (@mfherbst)
    - Use floating-point numbers for k-Point coordinates (#261) (@antoine-levitt)
    - CompatHelper: bump compat for "Primes" to "0.5" (#262) (@github-actions[bot])
    - Unify kernel interfaces to RealFourierArrays (#263) (@mfherbst)
    - Printing of SCF (#264) (@antoine-levitt)
  • v0.1.3 Release: v0.1.3
    ## DFTK v0.1.3
    [Diff since v0.1.2](
    **Merged pull requests:**
    - Iterative computation of the dielectric matrix (#221) (@antoine-levitt)
    - More flexible mixing interface (#225) (@mfherbst)
    - Kernel harmonization (#253) (@antoine-levitt)
    - Allow to export lattice and cell to ASE atoms. (#254) (@mfherbst)
    - Implement simplified Resta model (#255) (@mfherbst)
    - Two changes in examples (#256) (@ssirajdine)
  • v0.1.2 Release: v0.1.2
    ## DFTK v0.1.2
    [Diff since v0.1.1](
    **Merged pull requests:**
    - Update Libxc and adapt to its new interface (#248) (@mfherbst)
    - adding ElementCustomIonPotential + new GP example using it (with doc)… (#251) (@gkemlin)
    - Allow to disable taking timings (#252) (@mfherbst)
  • v0.1.1 Release: v0.1.1
    ## DFTK v0.1.1
    [Diff since v0.1.0](
    **Merged pull requests:**
    - Remove part about MolSim from installation docs (#250) (@mfherbst)
  • v0.1.0 Release: v0.1.0
    ## DFTK v0.1.0
    [Diff since v0.0.7](
    **Merged pull requests:**
    - Split tutorial & misc changes (#238) (@antoine-levitt)
    - Doc typos (#240) (@gkemlin)