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  • v0.6.5
    [Diff since v0.6.4](
    **Closed issues:**
    - Support ARM / aarch64 / "Apple silicon" M-series processors  (#820)
    - Julia Nightly tests failing (#826)
    - Usage Support: Adding DFTK.jl to Matsci Discourse Community (#833)
    **Merged pull requests:**
    - Non-linear core correction and pseudopotential density guess (#766) (@azadoks)
    - Fixing some documentation layouts & duplicate (#815) (@epolack)
    - Model update constructor (#816) (@mfherbst)
    - MPI Allreduce fallbacks for aarch64 support (#821) (@azadoks)
    - Fix fast test execution (#827) (@epolack)
    - Fix Hamiltonian application for nonstandard models (#829) (@antoine-levitt)
    - Bump actions/checkout from 2 to 3 (#830) (@dependabot[bot])
    - Bump codecov/codecov-action from 2 to 3 (#831) (@dependabot[bot])
    - Fixing documentation links (#832) (@epolack)
    - Update introductory resources and publications (#834) (@mfherbst)
  • v0.6.4
    [Diff since v0.6.3](
    **Merged pull requests:**
    - Integrate with AtomsBase 0.3 (#814) (@mfherbst)
  • v0.6.3
    [Diff since v0.6.1](
    **Closed issues:**
    - Latency (#402)
    - LDOS mixing for non-monotonic smearings (#787)
    **Merged pull requests:**
    - Implement more flexible Fermi level algorithm interface (#792) (@mfherbst)
    - Add simplistic time per SCF step printing (#806) (@mfherbst)
    - Add precompilation (#809) (@antoine-levitt)
    - Vastly improve GPU support (#813) (@mfherbst)
  • v0.6.1
    [Diff since v0.6.0](
    **Closed issues:**
    - Crash with PyPlot (#808)
    **Merged pull requests:**
    - Remove load_xyz functions (#805) (@mfherbst)
  • v0.6.0
    85fb08dd · Avoid full instantiation ·
    [Diff since v0.5.15](
    Note that this release increases the minor version and contains a number of breaking changes:
    - The `self_consistent_field` and `potential_mixing` SCF functions now check convergence in the density by default. This means that `self_consistent_field(basis; tol=1e-6)` now converges until the change in density between subsequent steps is below `1e-6`. Before it used to converge until the change in energy was less than `tol`. To recover the old behaviour use `self_consistent_field(basis; is_converged=DFTK.ScfConvergenceEnergy(tol))`. (#800)
    - The `load_lattice`, `load_atoms` and `load_positions` functions are now deprecated and will be removed in DFTK 0.6.1. Users are advised to use `AtomsIO` for the purpose of loading structures from external files. See and for examples.
    - Instead of using NLSolve's Anderson acceleration we have switched to a built-in implementation, which we found more stable in practice. (#791)
      The NLSolve-been approach has been removed completely.
    - The deprecated `G_to_r` and `r_to_G` functions for FFTs have now been removed in favour of `ifft`, `fft` and similar. (#804)
    - The deprecated `n_bands` and `n_ep_extra` arguments from `self_consistent_field` have now been removed. (#804)
    **Closed issues:**
    - Struct for atoms (#118)
    - GPU discussion (#350)
    - SCF default tolerance should be on the density (#780)
    - Run GPU CI only after activation (#803)
    **Merged pull requests:**
    - Bugfix for computations of `δψ` and supercells (#775) (@epolack)
    - Switch default scf solver to builtin Anderson (#791) (@epolack)
    - Add developper documentation for GPU computations (#793) (@GVigne)
    - Correct PW parameterization comment (#795) (@epolack)
    - Add GPU CI via gitlab (#796) (@mfherbst)
    - Switch to density tolerance by default (#800) (@mfherbst)
    - Make cigpu badge a link to ci pipelines in gitlab (#801) (@carstenbauer)
    - Rely on AtomsIO for structure parsing (#802) (@mfherbst)
    - Remove deprecated features (#804) (@mfherbst)
  • v0.5.15 Release: v0.5.15
    [Diff since v0.5.14](
    **Closed issues:**
    - Serialisation test fails (#782)
    **Merged pull requests:**
    - Make some computations in DFTK GPU-compatible (#712) (@GVigne)
    - Transfer phonon (#760) (@epolack)
    - Expand ForwardDiff support to LocalNonlinearity parameters (#779) (@niklasschmitz)
    - Bugfix for UPF (#781) (@epolack)
    - Specialisation for transfer along identical lattices (#783) (@epolack)
    - Printing fixes (#785) (@mfherbst)
    - Improve DOS plotting default axes ranges (#786) (@mfherbst)
    - Fix damping solver (#788) (@GVigne)
  • v0.5.14 Release: v0.5.14
    [Diff since v0.5.13](
    **Merged pull requests:**
    - Ewald with ForwardDiff and merge (#774) (@epolack)
    - add a keyword argument to plot_dos to support user-defined unit (#776) (@kunyuan)
    - Warn for slated pymatgen removal (#778) (@mfherbst)
  • v0.5.13 Release: v0.5.13
    [Diff since v0.5.12](
    **Closed issues:**
    - Unsure about role of `l_local` in UPF (#765)
    - Error with irrfbz_path (#767)
    **Merged pull requests:**
    - Splitting computations of δψ and δocc (#758) (@epolack)
    - Require Interpolations 1.14 (#768) (@antoine-levitt)
    - Update Brillouin to 0.5.10 (#769) (@antoine-levitt)
    - More systematic use of named tuples (#770) (@epolack)
    - update comments and dH->dV (#771) (@gkemlin)
    - Computing density with occupation threshold (#772) (@epolack)
    - Drop compatibility for older versions (#773) (@mfherbst)
  • v0.5.12 Release: v0.5.12
    [Diff since v0.5.11](
    **Closed issues:**
    - Test on forces derivatives is failing unexpectedly (#742)
    - Broken link (#763)
    **Merged pull requests:**
    - Cell to supercell routines (#627) (@LaurentVidal95)
    - Shifting functions for `k`-points (#714) (@epolack)
    - Support for NC pseudos in UPF format (#741) (@azadoks)
    - Custom CG (#750) (@gkemlin)
    - Optimize symmetry checking (#751) (@antoine-levitt)
    - Added reference for the energy cutoff smearing (#754) (@LaurentVidal95)
    - update forces publication (#755) (@gkemlin)
    - CG callback (#757) (@gkemlin)
    - Integrate pseudopotential documentation (#764) (@mfherbst)
  • v0.5.11 Release: v0.5.11
    [Diff since v0.5.10](
    **Merged pull requests:**
    - Allowing for fixed Fermi level (#727) (@epolack)
    - DFPT paper (#747) (@gkemlin)
    - Switch chat spaces to zulip (#748) (@mfherbst)
  • v0.5.10 Release: v0.5.10
    [Diff since v0.5.9](
    **Closed issues:**
    - Use real FFTs (#36)
    - Derivative in Fourier space of real function not real (#694)
    - Reduce computation time for energy calculation  (#703)
    **Merged pull requests:**
    - Band structure for non-standard lattice, cleanup (#555) (@jaemolihm)
    - Bump compat for MPI to 0.20 (#743) (@github-actions[bot])
    - Fix forces with symmetries (#744) (@antoine-levitt)
    - Update citations (#745) (@mfherbst)
  • v0.5.9 Release: v0.5.9
    [Diff since v0.5.8](
    **Closed issues:**
    - Dynamically adjust number of targeted bands in SCF (#562)
    - Get rid of n_ep_extra (#652)
    - Failling CI (#730)
    **Merged pull requests:**
    - Automatically adapt number of bands during SCF (#695) (@mfherbst)
    - Make LOBPCG GPU-compatible (#711) (@GVigne)
    - Fix computation of Fermi level at zero temperature (#728) (@gkemlin)
    - Misc fixes for the examples (#731) (@epolack)
    - Restrict upper version bound to Brillouin.jl (#734) (@mfherbst)
    - Small bugfixes and changes (#736) (@mfherbst)
    - Make CUDA an optional dependency (#738) (@mfherbst)
    - Test for consistency of psp correction (#739) (@mfherbst)
    - Save some matrix-vector products in Sternheimer solver (#740) (@gkemlin)
  • v0.5.8 Release: v0.5.8
    [Diff since v0.5.7](
    **Closed issues:**
    - G_to_r/r_to_G -> ifft/fft? (#715)
    - Type question (#724)
    **Merged pull requests:**
    - Add blowup functions to Kinetic term for cutoff smearing (#696) (@LaurentVidal95)
    - ForwardDiff: Return dual energies in scfres (#709) (@niklasschmitz)
    - Add a few NaN checks in LOBPCG (#710) (@GVigne)
    - Remove advertisement for summer school (#716) (@mfherbst)
    - Derivative of complex erfc (#720) (@epolack)
    - Changing naming convention for FFT (#721) (@epolack)
    - Introduce `irfft` for inverse FFT of real-valued quantities (#722) (@epolack)
    - Adding ElementGaussian (#723) (@epolack)
    - Fix definition of erfc (#725) (@epolack)
    - Add brackets around where clauses (#726) (@epolack)
  • v0.5.7 Release: v0.5.7
    [Diff since v0.5.6](
    **Merged pull requests:**
    -  Add documentation about conducting a convergence study (#701) (@killah-t-cell)
    - Fix some image links in documentation (#713) (@mfherbst)
  • v0.5.6 Release: v0.5.6
    [Diff since v0.5.5](
    **Closed issues:**
    - Overly excessive `n_bands` by default for spin-polarised calculations (#692)
    **Merged pull requests:**
    - DFTK Juliacon demo code (#677) (@mtowara)
    - Overhaul docs organisation (#684) (@antoine-levitt)
    - Reduce default number of bands for spin-polarised (#693) (@mfherbst)
    - Fix dual handling for parametrised functionals (#699) (@mfherbst)
    - Typo in dos.jl (#702) (@gkemlin)
    - Zygote scf merge (#705) (@mtowara)
    - Update to next spglib (#707) (@mfherbst)
  • v0.5.5 Release: v0.5.5
    [Diff since v0.5.4](
    **Merged pull requests:**
    - Integrate with DftFunctionals.jl (#633) (@mfherbst)
    - Cap tolerance in check on electron count (#682) (@mfherbst)
    - Graphene band structure (#683) (@antoine-levitt)
    - CompatHelper: bump compat for Interpolations to 0.14, (keep existing compat) (#685) (@github-actions[bot])
    - Fixup stylistic aspects raised in #633 (#686) (@mfherbst)
    - Fix bug on magnetization in guess_density (#687) (@gkemlin)
    - Band energy derivatives using ForwardDiff (#688) (@mfherbst)
    - Add code for paper by Cazalis on 2D-confined graphene (#689) (@antoine-levitt)
  • v0.5.4
    43e59f34 · Fix version to 0.5.4 ·
    Release: v0.5.4
    [Diff since v0.5.3](
    **Closed issues:**
    - How to set up models (#666)
    - Stronger type annotations for model construction (#668)
    - Get rid of lowpass_for_symmetry! (#672)
    - Don't hardcode ylims in band structure (#674)
    - MPI error with redirect_stdout() (#681)
    **Merged pull requests:**
    - Handling complex numbers for PairwisePotential (#655) (@epolack)
    - Add more type annotations to model constructors (#670) (@mfherbst)
    - Performance optimizations (#671) (@antoine-levitt)
    - Handling of extra bands in response calculations (#679) (@gkemlin)
    - Store G_vectors and r_vectors in the basis (#680) (@antoine-levitt)
  • v0.5.3 Release: v0.5.3
    [Diff since v0.5.2](
    **Closed issues:**
    - Rewrite ewald (#656)
    - DFTK doesn't precompile (#660)
    **Merged pull requests:**
    - Precompute Ewald summation bounds (#659) (@niklasschmitz)
    - Small changes to improve working with intervals (#661) (@mfherbst)
    - Testing RealSpaceMultiplication consistency as well (#662) (@epolack)
    - Refactor Pairwise term to precompute summation bounds (#663) (@niklasschmitz)
    - fix typo (#664) (@killah-t-cell)
    - Fix performance gotcha (#665) (@antoine-levitt)
    - Turn LOBPCG problem size warning to error (#667) (@antoine-levitt)
  • v0.5.2
    a7ac04b2 · Fix bumpversion issue ·
    Release: v0.5.2
    [Diff since v0.5.1](
    **Closed issues:**
    - Fix forwarddiff with symmetries (#643)
    - Tolerance issue when using ForwardDiff (#651)
    **Merged pull requests:**
    - Forwarddiff for metals (#638) (@mfherbst)
    - Fix cart (#657) (@epolack)
    - Forward-diff support for pseudo parameters (#658) (@mfherbst)
  • v0.5.1 Release: v0.5.1
    [Diff since v0.5.0](
    **Closed issues:**
    - Pretty traces (#123)
    - Define and use cis2pi (#400)
    - Direct minimization with Double64 does not work (#428)
    - Investigate forces test failure (#625)
    - Help Needed  (#649)
    **Merged pull requests:**
    - Remove dead and unused code (#634) (@mfherbst)
    - Remove deprecation wrappers (#635) (@mfherbst)
    - Zygote scf (#636) (@mtowara)
    - Use chemical_formula function from AtomsBase (#639) (@mfherbst)
    - Simplify pwbasis constructors (#640) (@antoine-levitt)
    - Add and use cis2pi functions (#641) (@kvnoct)
    - Filter rgrid symmetries (#642) (@antoine-levitt)
    - Zygote scf (#644) (@mtowara)
    - Integrate with InteratomicPotentials.jl (#645) (@jrdegreeff)
    - CompatHelper: bump compat for Roots to 2, (keep existing compat) (#646) (@github-actions[bot])
    - Test consistency of local potential in both real and Fourier space (#647) (@antoine-levitt)
    - Using Cartesian routine (#648) (@epolack)
    - update support for InteratomicPotentials v0.2 (#654) (@jrdegreeff)